Poker has its own terminology<\/strong>, slang<\/strong>, and vocabulary<\/strong>. From idioms that appeared over time to official terms, we have created the ultimate lits of poker terms<\/strong>.<\/p>\n\n\n\n
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ace in the hole<\/strong><\/td>
A player has an ace card in his hole cards.<\/td><\/tr>
Formation of a hand while having an ace kicker.<\/td><\/tr>
ace-to-five (ace-to-six)<\/strong><\/td>
A low ranking hand that is considered the strongest in lowball variant rules.<\/td><\/tr>
aces full<\/strong><\/td>
Having a full house with triple aces and a pair.<\/td><\/tr>
aces up<\/strong><\/td>
A hand consisting of two pairs, one of which consists of aces.<\/td><\/tr>
Performing one of several poker actions such as calling, checking, or raising.<\/td><\/tr>
acting out of turn<\/strong><\/td>
Intentionally announcing an action before the player's turn.<\/td><\/tr>
Refers to a player's turn when they can check, call, raise, or fold.<\/td><\/tr>
action button<\/strong><\/td>
A required bet for scoop pot winners.<\/td><\/tr>
action card<\/strong><\/td>
A community card such as a river that can boost one or more players' hands.<\/td><\/tr>
action only<\/strong><\/td>
Occurs when a player calls an all-in raise after making a bet.<\/td><\/tr>
active player<\/strong><\/td>
A player who has yet to fold in one round.<\/td><\/tr>
active players<\/strong><\/td>
People with an active hand during one round.<\/td><\/tr>
A means of buying more chips during a poker tournament's rebuy period.<\/td><\/tr>
A bluff used by players to convey that they play loosely or badly.<\/td><\/tr>
aggression factor (af)<\/strong><\/td>
A tracked ratio of a player's calls to their bets.<\/td><\/tr>
aggressive play<\/strong><\/td>
A betting style that involves frequent raising.<\/td><\/tr>
Signifies trash or valueless hand such as 4<\/span>\u2666<\/span><\/span> 9<\/span>\u2663<\/span><\/span> 2<\/span>\u2665<\/span><\/span> 6<\/span>\u2666<\/span><\/span> 7<\/span>\u2665<\/span><\/span>.<\/td><\/tr>
An act of betting every single chip.<\/td><\/tr>
american airlines<\/strong><\/td>
A Texas Hold'em term for hole cards with two aces.<\/td><\/tr>
Actions during live games that are legal, but are deceitful.<\/td><\/tr>
angle shooting<\/strong><\/td>
Methods that a player uses to confuse or trick someone during a live game. <\/td><\/tr>
An amount of money that players need to place into the pot.<\/td><\/tr>
ante off<\/strong><\/td>
An event when a player used all of their chips to pay the ante.<\/td><\/tr>
any two cards<\/strong><\/td>
Refers to a scenario where a blind takes all of a player's chips, removing any possible\n\t\t\t\t\tdecisions.<\/td><\/tr>
A card that can form a poker hand with the least possible value.<\/td><\/tr>
back in<\/strong><\/td>
Refers to a player checking to enter a pot and calling another player's open.<\/td><\/tr>
back into<\/strong><\/td>
Winning with a low valued hand against hands that are less valuable.<\/td><\/tr>
A hand formed with the turn and river cards during Texas hold 'em and Omaha.<\/td><\/tr>
Occurs when a player re-raises after calling a bet.<\/td><\/tr>
bad beat<\/strong><\/td>
A situation where a player beats a high valued hand with a winning draw from the turn or\n\t\t\t\t\triver.<\/td><\/tr>
bad beat story<\/strong><\/td>
Tales of a player's experience where they lose from a tide-turning river draw. <\/td><\/tr>
Employing different strategies and betting methods for various holes to become\n\t\t\t\t\tunpredictable.<\/td><\/tr>
A dealer who manages the buy-ins, chip distribution, and game payout.<\/td><\/tr>
Refers to the player's money used for poker games.<\/td><\/tr>
bankroll management<\/strong><\/td>
Means of managing a player's bankroll by setting a specific stake amount per game. <\/td><\/tr>
A situation when a player has the least amount of chips on the table.<\/td><\/tr>
belly buster<\/strong><\/td>
An inside straight formed by obtaining the required middle card from a draw.<\/td><\/tr>
A certain amount of chips players put into the pot.<\/td><\/tr>
bet the pot<\/strong><\/td>
A bet that is equal to the value of the pot.<\/td><\/tr>
betting structure<\/strong><\/td>
Specified rules of a game in regards to the bet amount players can make. <\/td><\/tr>
A lowball variant hand where the lowest ranking cards have the best possible value. <\/td><\/tr>
big bet<\/strong><\/td>
Bets that are 2x the average fixed limit game bet amount.<\/td><\/tr>
big bet game<\/strong><\/td>
Games with no limit or no pot-limit betting structures that allow large bets.\n\t\t\t\t<\/td><\/tr>
big blind<\/strong><\/td>
Required post from a player who is in the second position from the dealer.\n\t\t\t\t<\/td><\/tr>
big blind special<\/strong><\/td>
Winning with low-valued pocket cards after calling the big blind and no raises were made\n\t\t\t\t\tbefore the flop.<\/td><\/tr>
big full<\/strong><\/td>
A full house hand with the best possible cards such as As A<\/span>\u2663<\/span><\/span> A<\/span>\u2666<\/span><\/span> K<\/span>\u2663<\/span><\/span> K<\/span>\u2665<\/span><\/span> during Texas Hold'em\n\t\t\t\t\tand Omaha.<\/td><\/tr>
big slick<\/strong><\/td>
Refers to hole cards made of aces and kings such as A<\/span>\u2665<\/span><\/span> K<\/span>\u2666<\/span><\/span>.<\/td><\/tr>
big stack<\/strong><\/td>
A chip stack that is past the limit of a game's stake.<\/td><\/tr>
Flop cards that do not form a hand with any player's hole cards.<\/td><\/tr>
A special hand formed from face cards that ranks higher than two pairs and ranks lower than\n\t\t\t\t\tthree of a kind.<\/td><\/tr>
Consistently losing chips through a series of bad decisions.<\/td><\/tr>
Bets that two players need to make when they are sitting next to the dealer position.\n\t\t\t\t<\/td><\/tr>
blind defense<\/strong><\/td>
Strategy employed by big or small blind players that involves re-raising or calling raises.\n\t\t\t\t<\/td><\/tr>
blind off, blinded<\/strong><\/td>
Occurs when the increasing blind bought down a player's stack. <\/td><\/tr>
blind raise<\/strong><\/td>
A forced raise after the blind is called.<\/td><\/tr>
blind steal<\/strong><\/td>
A raise made by a player to the right most of the dealer before the flop.\n\t\t\t\t<\/td><\/tr>
blind stud<\/strong><\/td>
A stud poker variant that involves dealing cards in a face-down position.<\/td><\/tr>
Hole cards in Texas Hold'em that decreases the possibility of an opponent forming a specific\n\t\t\t\t\thand.<\/td><\/tr>
blocking bet<\/strong><\/td>
A small out-of-position bet to stop an opponent from making a large bet after the\n\t\t\t\t\tflop.<\/td><\/tr>
Bets intended to trick opponents into folding because of a false threatening hand. <\/td><\/tr>
bluff catching range<\/strong><\/td>
Hands that did not increase in value during the river, but is within a decent range for\n\t\t\t\t\tbluffing.<\/td><\/tr>
bluff induce<\/strong><\/td>
Aggressive bets a player employs to make opponents think they are bluffing while holding a\n\t\t\t\t\tstrong hand.<\/td><\/tr>
Community cards in Texas Hold'em and Omaha as well as face-up cards in stud pokers. <\/td><\/tr>
Face-up cards dealt to players for others to see.<\/td><\/tr>
Another term for a full house, a hand consisting of three of a kind and pair cards. <\/td><\/tr>
bomb pot<\/strong><\/td>
Refers to an agreement where players around the table are required to bet a set chip amount\n\t\t\t\t\tdealing the hand.<\/td><\/tr>
both ways<\/strong><\/td>
A term for the high pot and low pot during a high-low split game.<\/td><\/tr>