How Do Casinos Catch Cheaters

Cheaters are a major financial setback for casinos. Fortunately, they have ways to catch cheaters as well as ways to prevent any criminal acts.

casino security catching cheaters
How Do Casinos Catch Cheaters

Casino cheating is a serious problem that costs casinos millions of dollars each year. Most cheaters are caught on camera, but there are those who got away scot-free.

This article went through the ways casinos catch cheaters and how those methods are effective.

Trained Casino Staff

Casino Security Staff

Casinos are careful to protect themselves against casino cheaters by hiring security guards, casino employees, and even surveillance teams. This staff ensures that dealers do their job well or look for potential cheaters.

The staff is trained to be on the lookout for people trying to hide their cards or use their phones to enter slot machine cheat codes. This method is a passive defense against cheaters since front-line staff acts as a deterrence to anyone thinking about swindling the dealers or machines.

A few telltale signs will quickly give away a cheater at the staff, such as when they're playing too many hands in a row without taking a break. Casino cheaters are usually identified when caught in the act more than once. If their method is not too obvious, they can go undetected for a long time. 

Staff is also trained to keep an eye out for those who are consistently on their phones. One of the reasons why casinos block mobile phones or discourage patrons from using them is due to the use of RNG cracking apps. Slot machine determines which symbols appear in each spin through a random number generator. Cracking apps have a chance at knowing when a slot will have winning results that pay a large amount of money.

Hiring Ex Cheats

Casino Cheaters

Casinos hire ex-cheats as consultants to give training seminars for staff and security personnel. They know that without the knowledge to spot cheaters, they risk losing a lot of money. In Las Vegas and Atlantic City, casinos have the highest number of security cameras and surveillance per square foot in the world.

Consultants helping curb casino cheating is one of the smartest business moves management can make. They can teach casino staff and security the behaviors and mannerisms of criminals.

It is important to note that ex-cheaters are not allowed to be in the monitor room according to the casino's code of conduct. Casino owners take this policy very seriously and will not make any exceptions to avoid having their consultants become liabilities.

Methods used to catch cheaters within casinos
Methods to Catch Cheaters

Strategically-Placed Surveillance Footages

Casino CCTV

Video monitoring in casinos is a great way to prevent casino cheating. It has helped casinos save money on losses and has helped them make more for themselves. 

Casinos usually set their cameras to the momentum of a game, which is how they keep up-to-date with what's happening on their tables. This is critical for preventing casino cheating and identifying staff colluding with criminals. Even hackers are deterred from using any slot cheating devices on cabinets within the betting floor.

Also, casinos have a set of cameras in key areas to keep track of the cards played. This is important because it can prevent cheating on their premises by telling criminals they are under scrutinous eyes all the time. Cameras are usually placed on the end of the table, near the dealer's position, blackjack table, roulette wheel, craps table, and slot machines.

The camera coverage in casinos is very important because it allows security for potential dealers who are colluding with criminals. With the added security detail, dealers are less likely to pull off any moves that would give players an advantage in any casino game.

AI Technology Integrated with Security Systems

AI Security

can spot cheaters instantly. These systems can identify patterns in the player's behavior such as how they bet or move their hands. Security can easily spot potential cheaters and criminals with the help of AI algorithms. 

Modern security systems use sensors and an AI program to track people's movements in casinos. This new surveillance system goes through its database to flag potential persons of interest on the casino floor.

Deep learning algorithms are being trained on data sets of dealer behavior to spot any anomalies that could signify cheating. This includes eye movements and facial expressions while cheating on blackjack tables.

Security surveillance will automatically spot card counters and find card shuffle patterns to keep casinos safe.

Additionally, AI-powered surveillance spots casino cheaters by noticing when a player's betting pattern change. It also detects when they're acting strange, like if they're sweating profusely. When a person enters the casino, they scan their photo to see if it matches any of the records in the surveillance database.

If a match is made, security personnel is alerted of the flagged individual.

AI-powered surveillance is on the cutting edge of security and safety. Casino owners can use it to detect anomalies and potential threats, like finding out if someone is showing signs of intoxication. With advanced algorithms, there are no human limitations on how efficiently a surveillance system can quickly detect problem gamblers or potential trouble makers. With this technology, casinos can provide a safe and enjoyable environment for their customers. 

RFID Laced Casino Chips

Casino Chip with RFID

are a way of storing information in a chip. Casinos use them to track inventory and identify people. These chips are also integral to the security of a casino by preventing theft.

Casinos utilize RFID chips to track the movement of their money within the premises. management can see in real-time which tables get the most action at certain parts of the day, allowing them to know which part of the casino requires higher levels of security.

RFID technology is a great way to prevent counterfeiting of casino chips and find the big spenders in a casino. These chips can be scanned quickly and easily, which means staff can spend less time checking ID and more time looking for people who might be overspenders.

The RFID chips are considered one of the most successful anti-fraud techniques to date by various industries. While criminals can easily create a copy of the chip's exterior, they could not copy the RFID data that is unique to each casino chip. In addition, these RFIDs need to be registered to a casino before they can be used within the premises.

Not only do they reduce the risk of theft, but they also help with accounting and inventory management. By helping them track the movement of money, RFID chips can hone in on problem gamblers or those who are consistently betting large sums of money.

Additionally, RFID chips are an important part of the gambling industry because they can track every activity happening in the establishment. The information stored can be used to see how many times someone has played, when they play, and how much they've won. Management can utilize the data to determine an optimized placement of the table games and slot machines on the betting floor.

Using a Network Database Across Multiple Casinos

Casino Network

When a casino runs a search, they're accessing a collective database that lists all past cheaters. This database is updated in real-time. Once someone was caught cheating, they're added to a growing casino blacklist.

This database is a smart enough system to update the data encrypted to allow security protocols to update. It is good for the casino because it increases the player's odds of getting caught and banned from playing there.

Casinos use a type of database called CARDS to keep track of all the cheats that have been documented in the casino. This way, people can't cheat by using old tricks, but it also can help identify new cheats and tricks that cheaters might come up with.

AI-powered security systems are the future of cheating detection. This smart-recording database ensures that the casino owners are protected against every eventuality.


What happens when a dealer sees someone cheating? 

If a dealer spots a person cheating, the person may be convicted and receive one to six years in prison or get a fine of up to $10,000. Also, they will need to pay the casino restitution.

How can ex-cheats help casinos catch cheaters?

Ex-cheaters act as consultants by providing insider information about how cheaters operate. These people have the skills and knowledge of what it takes to beat the system.

Can AI systems help catch cheaters? 

AI systems are good at identifying behavior patterns that are difficult to spot This system is designed to flag suspicious individuals who are doing unusual behaviors such as betting in a specific pattern.

Are RFID casino chips used for catching cheaters only?

Casino owners can use RFID chips to find VIP players or big spenders and reward them with comps. They can also be used for tracking money flow, inventory management, and more.

How can a network casino database help casinos catch cheaters?

A network casino database is essential to prevent repeat casino cheating by providing a detailed list of criminals and their records. It also enables casinos to detect fraud without having to do manual checks on each player.

Every casino should have a personal database, AI-induced surveillance, and trained staff tailored to deter and stop casino cheating. Their security protocols and measures will help them create a secure environment for their guests.

This article was published on June 8, 2022, and last updated on June 9, 2022.